Product description

CorrFill Indoor Coat has been developed for the vapourtight finishing of specific structures and is usually applied as a vapour-proof protective layer in large construction projects and industrial buildings. The coating is frequently used in rooms with high humidity and high temperatures.

  • Elasticity over 400%
  • Extremely vapourtight
  • High solid content
  • Does not contain tar or asphaltic substances
  • Retains its original film thickness
  • Resistant to several mineral acids, oils and alkalis
  • Unsaponizable
  • Durable and wear-resistant
Application Easy to apply with roller, brush or airless-spraying machine. Clean tools with water after use. Consumption & Packaging Usually 2 kg/m²
Buckets of 25 kg

Technical data

satin matt
Solid content
ca. 70% (weight) / ca. 60% (volume)
1,4 g/cm³
400 P (Brookfield 20 Rpm)
VOC content
max. 30 g/ltr
Layer thickness
2 kg/m²
Drying times (20°C / 50% R.H.)
repaintable after 24 hours
fully cured after 48 hours
Application conditions
min. 5°C / max. 80% R.H.
Surface preparation

Clean and degrease the substrate. CorrFill Indoor Coat can be applied directly on polystyrene and PU foam. Polyester, wood, galvanized sheet iron, aluminum, paint and stony surfaces such as aerated concrete, eternit and brick need to be pre-treated with a CorrFill primer.


Sustainability & Storage

CorrFill Indoor Coat has a shelf life of 24 months, provided that opened buckets are properly closed and stored frost-free, not in direct sunlight, between 5°C and 25°C.



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